George III Nest of Tables
A fine George III Nest of three Tables in Kingwood with Satinwood crossbanding, on elegant turned legs supported by bow stretchers and standing on scrolled feet of unusual design.
Sheraton Period c 1800. Depth 12 in or 31 cm Width 21in or 53.5 cm Height 28 in or 71 cm
As for Kingwood, Gillows used it for crossbanding, and though he made one Pembroke Table in Kingwood in 1791, he rarely used it for large pieces as it would have been too expensive. Sheraton writes in the Cabinet Dictionary (1803) that ‘Nesting Tables are meant to draw out of each other, and may be used separately, possibly for needlework’, whereas George Smith (Household Furniture,1808) has a more modern take, saying ‘They prevent the company rising from their seats when taking refreshments’. Good design is timeless, and to this day a nest of tables remains extremely useful
when one is entertaining, as well as being aesthetically pleasing.